Caravaggio at Palazzo Barberini: the must-see exhibition of 2025
- March 14, 2025
- Barberini area, Museums, What's On in Rome, What's On in Rome, What's On in Rome
March has begun, and so has the Mese della Fotografia Roma, Rome’s Photography Month: set up by the FARO association, bringing together professional photographers and fans of this particular form of art, this initiative includes over 200 free events, among them conferences, book launches and, of course, exhibitions.
It’s impossible to list them all, but at the very least we would like to draw your attention to the following:
The whole list of events is available on the website’s official calendar, at this address (in italian)
You can also be a part of this Photography Month: send us your best picture from your visit! It can be your take of a famous landmark, or an unknown gem in the city center, an everyday scene or a portrait of somebody you’ve met in the Urbs Aeterna… The choice is yours!
The whole team at From Home to Rome will choose the best picture and we’ll publish it on our blog along with a Q&A with its author, of course! Feels like it’s something that you’d like to do? Then look no further than at the bottom of this very page, where you will be able to submit your picture along with your details and a comment, if you so wish, or a question, if you have any!
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